Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Why is Halloween fun? Because little kids in costumes are adorable! Because dressing up is fun (even though I'm not going to!). Because candy is delicious. And because scary movies are kinda fun. So, to recap over the is kind of a pictorial narrative. Looking in all the "Halloween" albums I can find, there are hardly any pictures of me!!!!!! However, there were plenty of pictures of me dressed up for other reasons...ha.

This was....eighth grade? Or ninth. haha Lindsay and I were boys! I remember being JT from tha hood...I can't remember what her name was. Ohhh good times.
Tenth grade...I was a kitty cat! And Gab was a princess :)
Junior year I was a flapper girl! So fun. It wasn't as cute for work, but I remember dressing up cute for hanging out with friends. 
I didn't find anything from senior year...I have no idea what I even did. Obviously nothing too crazy. This was last year. I dressed up as a princess for Flips! I worked in Princess Land and painted nails. haha This was the only time I've ever been a princess. It only took me 18 years :) And really, those were all the Halloween photos I could find of my costumes. Since they are sparse, I decided to share some costumes from non-Halloween events.
 I wish this was on a day when it was acceptable to dress this way in public...haha
Not Halloween either...who'da thought? :) "Bros with fros ain't got no ho's!"
Definitely just a regular day.

 And, unlike me, Alex and Krystal and their friends have TONS o' photos from each Halloween from the past, like, five years! I thought they were worth mentioning:
My brother is such a fun Honest Abe haha
And Krystal always looks cute of course :)
This was last year...I just remembered what I did! haha Griffin and I went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Tower Theatre. We dressed drag like the characters :) And it was cute! No photos though.
Kaya was an adorable lion :)
This one was definitely worth publishing haha Go Cor!
Here's a glimpse of Pizmo in her devil costume!!! haha She hates it. And I still think we should get her the princess one. It suits her soooooooooo much better.
Ok, I lied. One last picture of me! Couldn't leave out this little gem :)
And, last but not least, my mom's devil pumpkin from several years ago.
Happy Halloween all!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Things I Love

Hola all! The past few weeks I've randomly seen or heared different things and immediately remembered how much I love them so....I thought I'd document my random faves :)

1. ELO!!! Electric Light Orchestra, for those who don't know. "Don't Bring Me Down" is my ring tone! At my work they play some crappy remix of "Evil Woman;" the original is so much better. You've probably heard them, but if not, youtube it girl!

This is really what it looks like!
2. The top of Legacy Bridge. OMG it is sooo gorgeous! Really I'm just in love with the whole U campus. It's one of the prettiest places I've ever seen, and I've come to be very appreciative of my everyday environment. Every Wednesday I dread trekking up to the LEAP House, but the view at Legacy Bridge and from upper campus is so worth it! And free for the public :)

They are so worth the pain. (Griffin disagrees :))

3. SHOES! What girl doesn't? There are so many cute fall styles out right now! I got these a few weeks ago, and I'm so in love! Red is so perfect for fall, and I'm finding they really go with a lot. Plus, I always love a good wedge. Definitely a wedge girl.

4. Fleetwood Mac. Stevie Nicks is such an amazing singer. I can hardly understand any of the lyrics, but I enjoy singing along. Beautiful.

It would be my honor, to be your new step-father. haha!
5. Mother Lover. hahhahahah Look it up on youtube. Hilarious! (Yet not appropriate for all audiences).

6. Griffers. :) Well, I've always loved him. But he's adorbs, so I thought I'd mention him. :)

7. Weddings! I want to get married just for the cake and the dress. Haha I'm going to a wedding next Friday (fun excuse to look cute) and my LEAP professor talked to me about her wedding today. All of it is so adorbs. LOVE IT. Plus the whole love/life commitment/partner thing is good too. I love happy people in love. :)

8. Pretty Woman. Ahhhh LOVE that show. I have it memorized. "It was so good I almost peed my pants!" "Huh?" "She said she liked it better than Pirates of Penzance." Ohhh classic. And Julia Roberts is so gorgeous.