Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Roaring 20s

Dear Jetta,

Today, you are 20 years old and are entering a new decade. Hopefully when you enter the next decade, you'll read this and have a good laugh :)

Love, Jetta.
PS. Not that you would because it's so cute, but don't forget what you wore :) You can tell your kids someday. You'll know more about that in the coming years.

Dear Future Jetta,

Today, you are 30 years old and are entering a new decade. Were they really the roaring 20s for you? I sure hope so. :) Remember that outfit you were wearing ten years ago? hahahha Had to ask. So, what's new? Let's hope you finally graduated from college (multiple degrees? Do you go by Dr. now?), and it didn't really last forever. ha. What's the biggest scandal? Has Kim K. had several other 72-day marriages? Is the Biebs really a dad? HA! (It's been a good few weeks for celebrity gossip.) Has there been a woman president yet? I remember when Obama was elected. Progress! How's Griffers? And your parents? And Alex and Krystal? And Lindsay and Anne? And everyone else? Hopefully, well. :) Remember PIZMO! God, she was so hairy. But so cute! Did Griffin finally get you a puppy? :) Well, I hope everything else worked out the way you wanted it to. However,  I know it didn't! :) But I also know you're smart enough to figure things out when they don't go the way you want, and you make it work!

Jetta, 2011.